2 of the covid-19 deaths registered this week occurred in a care home. "If necessary the Scottish Government will reimpose quarantine restrictions and travel restrictions from certain countries as we did at the weekend for Spain if those countries see a sharp increase in cases. The FM was then cut off, with a presenter interrupting to say: “We’ll come back to that news conference, that was the Scottish Government but now Boris Johnson has just got to his feet at Westminster.”. Get the latest Nicola Sturgeon news from ITV News, the UK's biggest commercial news organisation. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: First Minister's speech 24 June 2020 Thank you Presiding Officer. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, "If you are in a position to take a holiday or want to do so the safest way of doing so is to stay here in Scotland. The … newspaper archive. "I think there are two important lessons for us from that. 46% of deaths were in hospitals and 7% of deaths were at home or noninstitutional settings.More than three quarters (77%) of all deaths involving COVID-19 to date were of people aged 75 or over.The Scottish Government will make a final back to school decision today.It’s understood getting kids back into the classroom full-time remains the preferred option when schools reopen on August 11.Nicola Sturgeon has encouraged Scots to volunteer for coronavirus vaccine research studies if able to.A UK-wide portal volunteer has been set up as the Oxford vaccine goes into its final stage of human trials.

It’s due to be published on the Scottish Government website today.In the last week more than 16 million items of PPE have been distributed across Scotland by National Services Scotland.These include almost 12 million gloves, 3 million masks, and nearly a million aprons. Nicola Sturgeon due to give her briefing at 12.15pm this afternoon The first minister is going to update the nation following the Spain quarantine rule Tuesday, 28 July, 2020, 09:09 An incident management team meeting will take place later this afternoon which I hope will give more detail, and an update will be provided after that.“But I want to give an assurance today, as I always do, that all new positive cases are thoroughly investigated for any links, and Test & Protect of course gets to work to make sure all contacts are appropriately traced.A further 22 positive cases have been confirmed in Scotland - a 0.7% of those who were tested. As this is Parliament’s final full week before a shortened summer recess, I wanted to take the opportunity to set out the Scottish Government’s latest assessment of when further changes to lockdown restrictions might take effect. Nicola Sturgeon confirmed Scotland will start lifting some of the coronavirus lockdown measures three weeks after England started relaxing social distancing measures. Pretty simple from Sturgeon actually. Nicola Sturgeon said a cluster of cases has been identified in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde regionA cluster of coronavirus cases is being investigated in greater Glasgow, Nicola Sturgeon has announced.Provisional information suggests 14 of the 22 are in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde region.The First Minister said the health board has identified a possible cluster, with an incident management team meeting is taking place today.No further coronavirus deaths have been registered and the death toll in Scotland remains at 2491.We send a range of newsletters each day on the latest news, up to the minute stories and information on It's a daily email bulletin of the most important stories of the day - delivered straight to your inbox for you to read at your leisure - when you are ready.To sign up, simply type your email address into the purple box at the top of this story, hit subscribe and we'll do the rest.The National Records of Scotland has also issued its weekly figures, which indicate a total of 4,201 people have died in Scotland with confirmed or suspected coronavirus.Eight deaths relating to Covid-19 were registered between July 20 and July 26, an increase of two on the previous week.This is the second lowest weekly total for deaths involving Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic.These statistics differ from the lab-confirmed coronavirus deaths announced daily by the Scottish Government because they include suspected or probable cases of Covid-19.She warned that travellers could have to quarantine on arrival back to Scotland if the situation worsens.Ms Sturgeon added: "I wouldn't be booking a foreign holiday right now.