(NSSL Tornado Basics). In the time it took to bend down, pick up the ball, and stand, the day changed. Homeless, she laid in labor crying for help but no one came. Why we don’t just stay in the shelter at all times, I don’t know. What is a tornado?

This way they get to understand the destructive capacity of the object of your essay. Tornado Essay . Tornadoes are especially dangerous to people in cars or mobile homes and …

The poplar leaves hung still. Tornadoes are formed through thunderstorms, a thunderstorm is needed in order for a tornado to form.

Essay on “Tornado” for Kids and Students, English Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12, College and Competitive Exams. They can destroy large buildings, uproot trees and hurl vehicles hundreds of yards. Mass media is used as a way of warning people who live in the area where it is expected to hit. Then when the air temperature changes it causes a sudden drop in the air pressure. It happened at my house in Smithville Missouri. They can also drive straw into trees. This type of tornado is most common along the range of the Rocky Mountains, the Plains, and the

The Enhanced Fujita (EF) Scale was an update to the older Fujita scale. The air that quickly goes into the vacuum creates the center of the tornado or the tornadoes vortex. It was definitely a pretty scary thing. at some point it is often cold and rainy the other day, it’s absolutely heat and sunny for sandals and bikinis on the beach. The papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit.

Oklahoma is flush in line with tornado alleyTornadoes are some of the most unpredictable weather we have on earth. The average tornado is usually split up into categories based on theTornadoes can also occur in many other areas of the world as well. And then my sister got home and it was still the same, cloudy. Topics: Tornado, Wind, Storm Pages: 3 (1009 words) Published: September 19, 2001. It felt like summer, but it was fall. The hair on my arms stood up.

The Setup The day was dark and was really warm. They occur mostly during the spring and summer; however, the tornado season comes early in the south and later in the north because spring comes later in the year as one moves northward.
This information should be included in your essay and probably linked with an explanation on why the occurrence of tornados raises over the years.

“I believed it was going to be a little cold and I came out here with a jacket on.” My mother started walking towardsHave you ever been in a tornado? The presence of the event in the media may cause people to end up feeling like tornadoes are something to fear.