Is this true? This broke my heart and my dismissal came in February of this year(2013). I think part of his problem is lack of sleep which I believe makes him more irritable and hear more voices. I have found it very helpful in dealing with my depression. I am now 36 and have experienced bouts of depression at least annually since I reached 16. I was horrible to my partner, made her feel like everything was her fault, when I am realizing now it was not. Hard to listen to music. But over time, I’m ambushed. We had to dress all nice and I dressed as nice as I could because I don’t have much.. Especially as it touches upon a long held thought of mine that my memory has become much […][…] who has experienced depression will know what I mean when I say that I wanted to be normal again. My dad tried killing himself when he found out my mom found someone else to make her happy. His psychotic episodes were bad. It’s the hardest freakin thing but I can be done – slowly.

I cry so much that my self confidence and self esteem are at rockbottom levels. Any helo appreciated.

She lives outside Chicago with her husband, Tom. i have a whole bunch of good pictures now so it doesn't matter or bother me much.I would definitely say he struggles in groups of people, as I'm very similar. Nevertheless, I have written my experience for what it is worth. I know they will find out eventually, but it´s the most considerate option of many possible scenarios. I m not getting that what should i have to do . My concentration is shot, so is my ability to memorize and form coherent sentences – especially to what it used to be. I didn’t see any many friends anymore, and the friends I did see we would stay up all night and smoke and drugs. I see my doc next week and look forward to sharing my latest hang over feeling with him. Are you familiar with Jesus Christ?Micheal if there was not hope in Christ we wud hav no hope . Recently I’ve researched quite a bit on Bipolar disorder and I surprisingly could relate to the mentioned symptoms..

god holds true joy. Just a thought. typically id be an extremly creative person but i feel as though im losing that as well. But that’s too late now, isn’t it? I used to take things directly on my heart I would laugh at anyone and would go with anyone w/o anyone s consent would just run rylun run now I need my final yr I m always trying to save my life nad myself from people around I hate to talk to anyone but I always feel to make a friend a true friend who love me take care and giude me I will achieve great things but I really don’t know I don’t know how to make myself more active and fight doe my self I was topperI completely understand how you feel. I’m not sure if you personally found out what was the core reason for you but I noticed myself that soon enough that reason doesn’t really play a role anymore, since the depression feeds dramatically of its own impact on your life, and becomes so huge, that the reason that sparked it seems ridiculous.There’s really so much to say about depression and the majority seems unaware of the meaning of it.

I am living proof that there is hope and there is a light at the end of that tunnel.