An explorer’s paradise on both land and sea, it’s a treat for anyone who likes to go off the beaten path.

High season is coming to a close, but that’s not to say people will go home and call it a year. This tour is also an excellent opportunity to see sea turtles, dolphins, and the occasional whale.Vacation days are hard to come by. The local sailfishing records are far from being tall tales or once-in-a-lifetime events. You might not be able to tell by looking at a globe, but Guatemala also has access to the Caribbean Sea. Our second day on the water, we raised eight Pacific sails — not the multiple double-digit numbers this region produces during its high season, but plenty of action for our anglers.No fishing trip to Guatemala should be complete without a side excursion to A barista at ABC Del Cafe in Antigua brews a sample pot of coffee made from some locally grown and roasted beans.On the grounds of the Casa Santo Domingo lie many ruins from the 16th century convent buildings.Among the gardens surrounding Casa Santo Domingo, a macaw perches near a crossroads of paths. However, Casa Vieja recently took ownership of A mate sews and bridles a larger mackerel bait for marlin. Mission Fish … Welcome to the country where four Sailfish hooked marks a very slow day! We have suggestions.Looking to expand your search outside of Guatemala? Learn altitude sickness while climbing, snakebite treatment while in the jungle, submersion injuries while rafting. Guatemala doesn't have the reefs and rocks that some of its neighbors ply for bottomfish, but it does have artificial reefs, and the newly appointed sailfish commission plans to expand that program.Our tour guide, Norman Raxon, with one of the many dorado caught (and on occasion eaten fresh).Fresh guacamole and chips and succulent shrimp with cocktail sauce make for some delicious appetizers on board. This conservation effort was well documented in the … You’ve got until the end of the month to experience the high season of Guatemalan fishing. The roads out of the capital are smooth yet choked by traffic and chicken buses, old US school buses repainted like spaceships and decks of cards. Besides two busy days on the water, our group of four journalists, toured Guatemala City and Antigua, a stunning colonial town nestled among volcanoes. The true sailfish season starts in November and runs through June. Great time to go on a longer trip and find a bunch of Sailfish in the waters of the Pacific. It is always so easy. Just one of the many things anglers love about Guatemala are the double-digit Sailfish trips. Send email Mail. Bottom Bonanza Previous Post. Guatemala is an angler’s dream throughout the year. Promoted Tailored Tackle.