Earn your certificate in American Sign Language (ASL).Job-training certificates in accounting, computer information systems, human resources, paralegal studies, and marketing.Job-training certificates in early childhood education, para educator training, criminal justice, and human services.Job-training certificates in computer networking, website design, precision manufacturing, and cybersecurity.Enhance the quality of life and economic development in your community.A Non-Degree Program Open to Qualified Students in all Majors They take the time to meet with me if I have any questions or concerns. If you want to attend college, you’re welcome at NCC. Free Nashua Transit passes for enrolled students.We make it easy for you to transfer to bachelor’s degree programs at other colleges. In 2016, the most popular Bachelor's Degree concentrations at Nashua Community College were . No application deadlines. Enrolling is easy.Nashua Community College offers a variety of affordable programs—including associate degrees, certificates, community and corporate education, employment-ready programs, and online courses—all designed to prepare you for a better future.Are you thinking about your future? At NCC, Homere furthered his computer skills with an associate degree in Computer Networking and is now enrolled in Web Development and Cybersecurity Networking Certificates. Courses offered at a 50% reduction.A top-quality education doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. If you want to attend college, you’re welcome at NCC. And I plan on transitioning to University of New Hampshire Manchester. Let us show you how easy it is to apply to Nashua Community College. Are you looking to build a career, or change careers, or need additional training? Prepare for the workforce, or transfer your NCC credits to BA programs around the US. No SAT scores required.You can begin your college degree while still in high school with our Early College Program. Homere Persona came to Nashua Community College from Port au Prince, Haiti, where he taught himself how to create high-level graphic design work. Let us show you how NCC gives you So Much More!We offer a rolling open-admission policy to anyone with a high school diploma or GED. We’ll help you succeed in today’s competitive workforce.Tuition at NCC is significantly less than other colleges in the region. It's really easy to speak with your advisors about your transition to another college after you get your associate's. Apply for FREE fall tuition at NCC for online & on campus learning in 50+ associate degree, certificate, & career training programs. We’ll help you succeed in today’s competitive workforce.We offer a rolling open-admission policy to anyone with a high school diploma or GED. Check out program videos featuring our students, faculty, and staff. For students interested in creative expression, philosophical endeavors, and communicating ideas.For students interested in practical application of theory, problem-solving, and critical thinking.For students interested in diagnostics, hands-on training, and theoretical and practical experience. NCC offers courses and programs comparable in academic rigor to to those taught at four-year colleges and universities.Our faculty consists of industry professionals who are passionate about the subjects they teach.Our campus is conveniently located on Route 101A in Nashua, close to major highways. Careers in accounting, marketing, management, or business administration.Careers in teaching, social services, mental health, law enforcement, and criminal justice.Careers in hotel and restaurant management, food and beverage services, and event management.Careers in automotive and aviation technology, collision repair, and auto service repair and management.Careers in computer networking, web development, precision manufacturing, and mechanical design. Looking for an affordable, flexible, and transferable top-quality education? No application deadlines. Homere Persona came to Nashua Community College from Port au Prince, Haiti, where he taught himself how to create high-level graphic design work. Only $215 per credit.From single courses to degree programs, we make getting college credit easy.

Are you looking to build a career, or change careers, or need additional training?