1. In fact, You keep inviting her out. Want the Best of our Best in your Inbox? [Read: Women are unpredictable creatures.

Showing you that she's independent and won't be constrained by your schedule when you're not even dating can help her dial up the intrigue. She might say she's not available, but is free on another day. But how can you tell if a girl is playing hard to get, or if she's just not into you? Playing hard to get often means making the other person wait, even when it personally pains you to do so. Don't assume that's a bad thing. Of course, if you look at her, she sees it, and abruptly runs away, don't take that as a good sign.Have you been waiting forever for her to request you on social media?

No doubt if she isn’t replying to your e-mails, texts or calls fairly quickly, she’s playing hard to get. You shouldn’t even set the next date anytime soon.Don’t even ask her why she didn’t return the call. And that’s understandable; when you’re used to choosing and picking from many options, especially if you’re attractive, you’ll naturally act like you’re the prize that’s not easily attainable.You’ll instinctively want to sit back and watch these options pursue you, and within these chases, you’ll find an ego-boosting satisfaction that you would never want to stop.All these games, mixed signals, flakes, and roundabouts…They can easily piss you off for good, and that’s when all these incels’ arguments start to make sense.When you also know how to deal with their games, which will never cease to exist as long as we live, you’ll be able to successfully attract the kind of relationships you’ve aimed for.Now let’s go through the most common signs women play hard to get, and how to handle them like high-value men. That it’s either she commits to your plans or you’re out.Don’t even talk to her until she does, and she better has a good reason/apology for her flakiness/cancellation.

Expert Interview. She just doesn’t want to play with you, period. Let these inspirational quotes about love guide you to bliss with your significant other.These A-listers break down the reality of romance in the spotlight.A-Listers who prove that age ain't nothing but a number.Live smarter, look better,​ and live your life to the absolute fullest.Enter your email address to get the best tips and advice. Women who act like that and get what they want out of their tens of friend-zoned But if you already know what’s up, you know that you need to do things differently to avoid being in the same circle with her helpless followers.Here’s what you, as a high-value man, need to know when a woman’s intentionally going hot and cold:If you want her to be hot, then you’re going to frame it that way.

And yet, lo and behold, she magically appears at the events you invited her to, looking like a million bucks. That means she avoids you altogether, and she’s not trying to attract you.