Olenna joyfully says that Varys must absolutely despise Littlefinger with how much he tries to undermine him. He’s everywhere.. *Lurking in the shadows, enters one of the most dangerous men in Westeros* Yes, we’re talking about the master of whisperers, the Spider – Lord Varys, the skilled and cunning manipulator who always has something up his sleeve. When I see what desire does to people, what it's done to this country, I'm very glad to have no part in it . By using our website, you agree to our 69 more photos Quotes .

Another quote to show everything Varys does in Game of Thrones is calculated.An absolute amazing quote and easily our favorite quote from Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 4 is this one from Varys about Baelish. Varys: You made a pact with fanatics. The guy’s come a long way from the streets to advising the big players of the seven kingdoms. RELATED: Be Eunuch: Lord Varys' 10 Most Prolific Quotes. The guy’s come a long way from the streets to advising the big players of the seven kingdoms. “I am the master of whisperers.

Being a man who’s risen his status from dirt to serving the most powerful nobles in the country, Varys is the right person to say quotes about talent and its purpose.Varys’ epic quote when Dany is questioning his loyalty that repeats his sentiment from the first season that he does truly serve the realm.Varys and Melisandre, two people who have risen from the depths of depravity to sit shoulder to shoulder with the greatest monarchs in the land, talk while gazing down at Jon arriving in Dragonstone.

The Master of Whisperers turns sadly to answer Tyrion’s question, which clearly suggests that he’s being forced into a false testimony. This quote is an example of Lord Varys’ trade; how people’s secrets are more valuable than their material wealth.The stark ambition that Varys’ holds is seen in spades in Have we made you a Varys fan with these quotes of his so far? And you-you are a complication. Quotes tagged as "varys" Showing 1-7 of 7 “Why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?” ― George R.R. In the egotistical world where each person looks out only for themselves, no one is left to serve the people’s common interest, which Varys is claiming he does in this quote. He enjoys sparring with Baelish, but the threat he poses to the realm is significant as his desire for power is such that he’d destroy the world if it gave him the crown over it.

Lord Varys is a man shrouded in mystery, though through this fog pours brilliant quotes about the power struggles that grip Game of Thrones.

They ring for horror.

Here only the family name matters. Varys is—and has always been—one of the most fascinating characters on Game of Thrones, and without a doubt, the most enigmatic.With his network of …

""A eunuch has no honor, and a spider does not enjoy the luxury of scruples, my lord. Varys admits that the truth is actually quite different. Who lives, who dies? And if we die, we die. Varys attempted to stop chaos for the good of the realm while Littlefinger created chaos for his own benefit. 16 Travel Quotes That’ll Inspire You To Explore Even More Others are just iconic quotes that are hard to forget. 16 Best Charlie Chaplin Quotes To Cheer You Up If You Are Sad He would see this country burn if he could be King of the ashes .
North or South, they sing no songs for spiders . 20 Atmanirbhar Memes Inspired By PM Modi’s Speech On… Not Lord Varys.
"How odd. Varys compliments Baelish’s work ethic with this quote we should all try to adhere to. His quotes reveal a great deal about the true nature of his often ambiguous character and how he plays the game of thrones so well. Varys doesn’t let this go unanswered, replying that he keeps on paddling among all of the conflicts and murders of Westeros and that this may not work out for The Hand. Varys isn’t offended, though begins to tell Oberyn that he wasn’t into girls, either. 30 Epic Ramayan Memes from Twitter That Will Make You Laugh! ... Power resides where men believe it resides; it's a trick, a shadow on the wall, and a very small man can cast a very large shadow. Varys serving the Mad King. 34 "Game Of Thrones" Quotes To Use When You Need An Instagram Caption "I am not your little princess."