But there are still hundreds of players, many of them in Asia, that are better than him.Following the AlphaGo thrashing, Fan has been practicing. That's a topic that generates all kinds of angst about Subscribe to access expert insight on business technology - in an ad-free environment.. But not against other humans.He's been training in DeepMind's office in King's Cross, Training against AlphaGo has reportedly helped Fan to boost his global ranking from 600 to 300 in the last three months.DeepMind cofounder and AlphaGo creator Demis Hassabis told The Telegraph: "He just won the European pro Go championship in February, and he won with a full score; he beat absolutely everybody. Fan lost the match to the AI agent named AlphaGo 5-0.As Europe's number 1, Fan is clearly talented.

AlphaGo then competed against legendary Go player Mr Lee Sedol, the winner of 18 world titles, who is widely considered the greatest player of the past decade. “So far, IBM has really stolen the show when it comes to mass market awareness of cognitive computing via AI,” said Patrick Moorhead, president and principal analyst of Moor Insights & Strategy. The matches will be held in Seoul starting at 1 p.m. local time on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and next Tuesday, which translates to 11 p.m. on the previous day in U.S. Eastern Time. “Go is the most complex and beautiful game ever devised by humans,” Demis Hassabis, head of the Google team, and himself an avid Go player, said at a press briefing. Fan has been a resident in France since November 2000. Games played by Fan Hui Total: 29; won: 9; winning percentage: 31.0% Game Date and Game Description: Black: White: Result: Replay: Download: Print [2016-04-20] 8th Ing Cup, round 1 Fan Hui 2p: Mi Yuting 9p: W+R [2016-03-01] 1st IMSA Elite Mind Games, Team Men Fan Hui 2p: Lee Donghoon 5p: W+6.5 [2016-02-29] 1st IMSA Elite Mind Games, Team Men Jiang Mingjiu 7p: Fan Hui … In October, it beat Fan Hui 5-0, making it the first computer program ever to beat a human professional player in a nonhandicapped game. Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo scored another win Thursday against star South Korean player Lee Se-dol, giving a boost to Google’s growing position in the field of artificial-intelligence. He started to study in Toulouse in September 2002. However, Fan Hui is …

Becoming a professional Go player in 1996, Fan moved to France in 2000 and became the coach of the French national Go team in 2005. Sign up for the Called AlphaGo, Google’s robot defeated a human Go player before by beating European Go Champion Fan Hui in a confrontation last October. AlphaGo appears to have surpassed its first day's play with Lee saying that if he was surprised on Wednesday, he was now "speechless." This was the first time a computer Go program had beaten a professional human player on a full-sized board without handicap. In a match in October, when AlphaGo won 5-0 against an European Go champion Fan Hui, the program made brilliant moves but several critical mistakes, which made it … All player list . The ancient board game is famously complex, with more possible configurations for pieces than atoms in the observable universe.