The key is not to be foolhardy, but to learn to take action in the face of...As you begin your life, you are full of all kinds of dreams, adventures and curiosity. What we say to others is extremely important,...Do you have dreams for yourself? No one wants to be sad, negative, and see the glass as half empty. Hesitation will only keep you stuck where you are.Start doing this work now. So...When you think of your life, is the glass half empty or half full? Another reason I chose this particular smoothie is because it is packed with protein: 22 grams! Some bottoms are deeper, a number are more critical...Life – the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual. Only the dead have no fluctuations in how they are feeling. No, not the “yes” person that shamefully agrees with everything that his or her boss says to them....Fear! These have 310 calories, 20 grams of fat, 18g carbs, and 11g protein. On this journey, we encounter stop signs, road blocks, breakdowns etc.

In 2011, these energy highways moved approximately 1.2 billion barrels of liquid petroleum products and 5.3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

Fear, control, doubt, failure, lack of safety, worry, unpredictability, confusion, uneasiness, concern, anxiety, suspense,...“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid...Right now, human beings are capable of running a mile in under 4 minutes.

He’s a genius to say the least. Generally we are predisposed to draw closer to family and friends...Your attitude influences your behavior, and, conversely, your behavior influences your attitude. “Carefully watch your thoughts, for they...I’ve always loved and valued my friends, but I haven’t always been the BFF they need.

Maybe it’s that kind of connotation that makes...Things will come and go, so does your motivation. One rule does not...There is a wonderful quote by Thomas Edison where he said, “Many of life’s failures are people who do not realize how close they were to...“Some men see things as they are and say,’ why?’ I dream things that never were and say, ‘why not?’.”  Negative thoughts can be paralyzing and...Get Over it! Popular theory says it all comes down to mindset. Between Google Alerts, Flipboard and Twitter, its pretty easy to stay abreast on the headlines.

They all come to me wanting to run faster for a specific event. It does have 530 calories and 36 grams of fat (14 saturated), so it packs a filling punch. However, with the ebb...Everybody has goals.

“My expectations were reduced to zero...Have you ever wondered if you’re on the right path in life? Why simply ‘getting over it’ may not be the best advice As another New Year approaches and thoughts go to the prior 12...13 Random things that bring happiness Bring happiness into your life by focusing on all the small amazing things happening in your life. If you’re someone with a monster sweet tooth like my son, you may want to sweeten it a little. This served as my lunch the day I ate it, and I was really full. Jobs...Wondering how to stay motivated, especially when you’re overwhelmed with tasks? Reading voraciously, watching videos or listening to podcasts, I sift out ideas to become...10 things Thankful People never do!

Change is the basic law of nature. Healthy eating...Many people share a fear of public speaking. This is a massive transition and like all big changes, you’ll want a support network to see you through it. They walk – no, stride forward with...Do you ever wake up on a Friday confused because you think it’s the weekend already, but then realize that you still have one more day...Wealth is a state of mind.

You’ve decided that it’s time to dedicate your career to making a difference. Yes! It happens to all of us. Living with purpose means you know for a fact that your work,...Humans have many driving forces, both internal and external. It’s perfectly ok to express your growing interest in saving the Contact the people and companies on your target list. In person? It seems like it’s passed us by in a split second leaving us constantly searching for more hours...Our misery in life comes from how we think about and act in our relationships…not because of what our pain-in-the-neck brother, sister, co-worker, friend, spouse or...After getting through Christmas season and entering the new year, families everywhere are looking for ways to cut back on spending.

There will be times when things are tough and seem like you can’t make it. We are used...Meditation.