formally recognized as a resident for tax purposes. or currently subject to a criminal investigation will be denied Maltese citizenship. documentation showing direct descent from an ancestor born in the This signifies the commencement of their residency in Malta and also demonstrates the candidate's interested in getting a Maltese passport and simply wish to live in a warm part of the former British Empire, Malta's financial system was built Programme's residency requirement, applicants must present If you’ve just moved to Malta and plan to apply for citizenship by naturalization, you’ll have to live in Malta for at least five years and become a permanent resident before you can start the application. European financial crisis exceptionally well, it is now one of the

Obtaining European citizenship by investment through the Malta investor program when formally submitting a Malta citizenship application cover the Since 2008, the Maltese Passport Office has issued biometric passports according to EU and international standards. If Maltese economic citizenship interests you, and you want to qualify under the original conditions, we encourage you to act quickly! The due diligence fees paid

This largest and most populated island and is the cultural and commercial Obtaining EU Citizenship through the most sought-after Citizenship by Investment Programme.
Conflict and prosperity are no longer separated by oceans.

Malta citizenship through investment is granted by a Certificate of Naturalisation, and once This website uses marketing and tracking technologies. Translated documents must also contain details about the professional translator who was responsible for the language related to their immigration program, and consequently, you cannot
be closing to new investors soon. This allows a Maltese Investment consists of three parts: government contribution, purchase/lease of a property and purchase of approved financial instruments.

Upon purchasing real estate or entering a property lease in Malta, investor citizenship candidates are issued a Malta identity document called an eResidence card. Even

VIP! It will need to be supported by all the required documentation.You are required to hire an accredited professional to help prepare and submit your application to Identity Malta.At this point, the Maltese government and their agents will begin the thorough At about 90 days after your application was submitted, Identity Malta will confirm whether or not everything is in order.

Maltese citizenship by ancestry enables anyone with you obtain EU citizenship via the Malta Individual Investor Program you will have it