Linderman, anticipating Nathan's actions, calmly reasons that if Nathan were to shoot him, his men would kill Nathan within moments. He is then confronted by himself, still scarred from his attempt to rescue Peter. After Nathan returns to New York, he and his family have brunch with a newspaper reporter. There, Nathan finds several of Mendez's finished "future paintings". In Las Vegas, Nathan encounters "Jessica" Sanders and the two sleep together.

Claire discloses the information and gives him the name "Pinehearst". Nathan, Peter and Claire talk about the explosion, and Claire tells Nathan about Ted.

When Noah identifies Sylar as seen in "I Am Sylar", Nathan resolves to stop him on his own, over his family's objections that he not go by himself. Nathan inadvertently flew from his car, causing the car to lose control and veer off the freeway. He heeds Linderman's advice and tries to contact her. In "Powerless", Nathan convinces Peter of Adam Monroe's intentions to release the Shanti virus and cause worldwide devastation.

Peter then tricks the two and gets away.

He offers him the seat in Congress, suggesting that it will lead eventually to the White House, "a heartbeat away from the Presidency." There, Nathan finds several of Mendez's finished "They go to Peter's apartment, where Peter is preparing to leave town. She explains Nathan will become too emotionally attached to his daughter and, when the press finds out about her, it will cause scandal so close before the election. Nathan asks about the upcoming election; Hiro says that Nathan wins by a "landslide". Angela later brings 'Nathan' various items from the old Nathan's past so he will absorb more memories using another of Sylar's acquired abilities, unbeknownst to him. At Thanksgiving dinner, 'Nathan' and Peter get Angela to admit Nathan's status.

A fight ensues between him and his disfigured self, ending when Matt inserts a thought in Nathan's head, causing them to realize they are actually fighting one another. Meredith explains she just sent her home, showing Nathan a photo of Claire.

In "An Invisible Thread", Sylar keeps Nathan alive a little longer while he acquires more of Nathan's memories in order to approach the President properly. Aware of Sylar's ability to shape-shift into Nathan, Claire is initially skeptical it is really her other dad but Sylar fools Claire into believing he is Nathan due to having acquired Nathan's memories using an ability. Since Claire died before she could name the twins, Angela and Noah name them, with Angela choosing to name the boy Nathan after her son and his grandfather. Still more focused on his campaign and his family, Nathan holds a press conference where he broaches the subject of depression. They descend for a few seconds, but then the brothers lose their grip on one another. He becomes so fixated on a clock that is running fast that he doesn't even hear what Angela is saying, making her extremely worried. In "1961", Nathan, Peter, Noah, and Claire are digging on Angela's orders to find Alice.

Of these, Nathan seemed to master telekinesis and psychometry- the latter being used to help 'Nathan' fill in the blanks in his personal recollections that Angela and Matt couldn't fill themselves- while he only used electrical manipulation by accident and shape shifting to take on his own form when taking control from Sylar. He was a lawyer working with the District Attorney's office. He displays parts of Sylar's personality, and giving up, pushes Peter away after their embrace, and throws himself over the edge of the roof. He also helps Hiro sneak into Linderman's casino hotel to steal the sword he needs. They find the real Nathan's dead body.
Later, Nathan's mother arrives and reveals her part in the planning of the explosion in New York.

His daughter, Claire, calls him to tell him how she is coping and that she understands, and Nathan glances in the mirror. However, he revives seconds later next to Peter, and has an After taking over Pinehearst from his father, Tracy informs him of a project involving giving abilities to 50 Marines.

He served as the primary antagonist of Volume Three. Nathan is rushed to the hospital with Peter and Matt in tow and appears to have died. On his way to Las Vegas to meet with Linderman, Nathan encounters Mohinder Suresh, who attempts to warn him that his life may be in danger. They find Matt in a hospital, where Peter heals him. However, he revives seconds later next to Peter, and has an epiphany; he believes that God has given him a second chance at life. At home, Nathan inquires about a painting by Isaac Mendez which Linderman had purchased and Peter wants. However, he regenerates and emerges in the form of Sylar, suffering from amnesia. They talk about their past, where Nathan apologizes for missing all this time with Meredith and their daughter. Nathan is doubtful and points out that Peter dreamed that he himself blew up New York City. 'Nathan' tells Millie the truth, and she sends an assassin after him, who shoots 'Nathan' multiple times and buries him in a grave.