11 Weird Words You’ve Never Known How to Make Plural Scissors came into English through French. So if someone calls you a “bunch of low lives,” you can at least feel smug that he or she is grammatically incorrect.When millennium first showed up in English, it was only used to describe a specific thousand-year period in which Christ was supposed to reign, Stamper explains. Two apples. Octopuses became octopi.Interestingly, this word comes from a period of English history when primarily French kings ruled England, Stamper explains. Plural count nouns can be preceded by these and those and by some, any, enough, and the zero article.

A lot of emphasis was placed on government and law, and some new words were coined in English, but styled in French (with the adjective coming after the noun). Both are “right,” but millennia is preferred, and more common. Nouns like this include: trousers, jeans, glasses, savings, thanks, steps, stairs, customs, congratulations, tropics, wages, spectacles, outskirts, goods, wits. Goose dates back about a thousand years ago to Old English, where the singular and plural words looked somewhat similar to “goose” and “geese,” which is how they’re treated in modern English.

Two deer.

If you're looking to learn more, start here. “Different style guides make different recommendations about how to make this phrase plural,” Fogarty says.

Note: this works only for English singular nouns.Any other kind of word (e.g. Made with products you probably have on hand, these homemade carpet cleaners will tackle virtually any stain.

“If you are a fisher, the plural of fish is fish, the plural of cod is cod, and the plural of tuna is tuna. “Once you get something situated in its category, it’s very, very difficult to change it,” Stamper says.

Pocketfuls' amount. Find the plural of any English noun.

It’s the same: scissors. It was given a regular English plural,” Stamper says.

Couch potatoes' snacks. Made of safe and natural ingredients you probably already have on hand

Half-brothers' excitement.

This page has lots of examples of non-countable nouns and two interactive tests. With compound words, if the plural form ends with "s," add only an apostrophe.

In many languages, especially languages deriving from Latin, adjectives become plural when they are used to describe plural nouns.

One Octopus, Two Octopuses “Think about it this way: Since the men are primarily your brothers and the ‘-in-law’ part just further describes what kind of brothers they are, you make the important noun part plural,” says Mignon Fogarty, creator and host of the “You use the same kind of logic for ‘passersby’ as you do for ‘brothers-in-law,’ Fogarty says. And the French created the term through Latin, where the originating root word is actually singular and refers to a cutting implement, like a blade, she explains. Satisfy your cravings for restaurant-quality steak from the comfort of your own backyard using these genius grilling tricks.

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In fact, language can be a whole lot more complicated. Plural form refers to more than one of a particular noun (whereas singular form refers to a single noun).

Here’s what it can do for your skin, according to a dermatologist. will produce nonsensical results.

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