The values are just way too high.The conversion from centigrade to F might be more readable if it were written F = C * (9/5) + 32.

so plz mention the type of these two resistors quickly because it is my project THANKYOU ! I don’t want to use up the extra 2 digits and the decimal point, how do I tell it to stick to whole numbers?please can any one help me write a code of humidity sensor range between 80-85Hay man tanks for the code it works but a slight problem when it is like cold or when i gave some cold air the temperature doesn’t comes below 29,28 it shows some Chinese,japanes languages on the display on the other when i heat the thermistor the temperature rises & displays 70,80,90 thats not a issueThe equation derived for R2 looks wrong. The temperatures returned by the sketch were in excess of 400! Vo is an integer in the range of 0 to 1023, I forgot that part. Maximum is 32,256 bytes.To add more thermistors keep adding the following code and change the analogue read pin. I am building a temp sensor for our local paranormal group (no I am not into ghosts, but my niece is, so this is for her.) Now my problem is as im increasing the temperature the value which is showing on the LCD is decreasing im not getting why this is happening. If we make R1 the unknown, then we end up with R1 = R2 * Vout / (Vin – Vout). So my problem is that you have not declare the resistor’s quality and its number in the start of video !! you use 100k ntc and 100k resistorHi, i followed all the steps in the video, but im not getting any LCD output. This is known as a voltage divider. I believe the X (multiplication) should be a / (division).Actually the rearranged formula works fine assuming R2 is the thermistor. Actual readings for our thermistor are 218 to 237, which are then converted to resistance R2. I purchased 100K thermistors from Hi! But that said, I have seen some thermistors that have the leads insulated with plastic so those could be used in aqueous environments. If you swap the power and ground on the resistor circuit, then everything should work.There is only one problem with this circuit. And by changing the “R” value you will get the correct readings without changing the calculation part of the program.hello i have had the same question ,,, but after some research i found out that you dont need to download it it and that it already comes with the arduino IDE …hope this helpedEventhough im using math.h headefile in my test file im getting the error.what is the solution for this problem. It appears you have the thermistor in the R1 position connected to 5V, but in your code comments you say R2 is the thermistor. Can any one tell me how to rectify this works brilliantly but could you suggest me how to put 2 thermistors that give 2 readings simultaneously in Celsius? It could be used for human body temperatures, but it depends on how you want to measure the body temperature. In other words, as its temperature changes, so too does its resistance and as such its name, Thermistor is a combination of the words THERM-al… the only difference in the parts used is the thermistor. Exactly what I needed to complete my project to read temperature and display on a little OLED display.What if I want to use more than one thermistor to sense different temperatures, say 10.And if you want to connect more than one sensor, what code you will need to write?hi, if you are still interested use 100K thermistor and use the following co-efficience c1 =0.7203283552e-3 c2= 2.171656865e-4 and c3 = 0.8706070062e-7. Were you able to determine what the problem is?How can I get rid of the decimal so the LCD only displays a whole number like 76 F instead of 76.12 F?Not sure if this works, but try Serial.print(T, 0);I’ve got a 10K thermistor and 10K resistor hooked up, I am getting values but, for example, when I hold the thermistor the temp goes up but it goes slowly and maxes out at 83ish F. Do I need to change something because of my 10K components?Your R1 value in sketch reads 10000, shouldn’t it be 100000 for a 100k resistor or am I missing something?Thanks to all the folks who participated in this circuit review and discussion, it was very helpful. thanksAny answer to the 10000 vs 100000 R1 resistor value in equation? Instead of using the voltage divider, just connect the signal wire to the center pin, and the positive and negative wires to the outside pins…Please tell me: why this code can not compile with Energia?Finally, a good quality video, and no BS waste of time, on Arduino setup and programming.

The value read is double than the real value in the room. Can anyone plz help?Same issue bro…. My confusion was caused by the misalignment of the voltage divider formula, which measures voltage across R2, and the rearranged formula, which measures voltage across R1. Had me confused for a while, but then I realised that R1 = R2 (Vin/Vout – 1). I was planning on using A0, A1, A2, and A3 for 4 different temperature sensors.Hi.