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Property Tax Rate: $24.31 [The property tax rate shown here is the rate per $1,000 of home value. Any further questions, please contact the Selectmen’s Office at 603-938 …

Search for a Tax Bill using one of the following search methods. "doe" or "doe, john" or "doe john" (best bet? If the tax rate is $14.00 and the home value … In addition, our payment vendor for these transactions (Value Payment Systems) allows more payment options than previously available. **If you are not a Bedford resident, you must register in the town/state that you live in. What is the tax year? Click for details. Click here for a listing of all FORMS/DOCUMENTS used for Town Business. All data and statistsics are subject to change and may be incorrect or slightly outdated. Sales Taxes: 0.00% [The total of all sales taxes for an area, including state, county and local taxes.] Search By Owner: e.g. Credit card payments for property tax online payments are subject to a 2.45% convenience fee with a $3.95 minimum, debit cards are subject to a 1.5% convenience fee, while E-Check payments will be subject to a $.50 flat fee. Please call or email if you are on a pre-authorized payment plan and you prefer to continue your original payment schedule.

"PASS"). This program will provide additional property tax information that was not previously available online. "120 north main" or "main" Pay and/or View Bills Online. Welcome to the Town of Bradford, NH Tax Kiosk. Do not use the information on this website as an absolute source of 100% up to date information.Research city-specific data across the USA and find the information you need at FactsByCity.com! SOME PAYMENT DATES for property tax and water/wastewater utilities have been deferred. All forms related to assessments can be found at State of New Hampshire, Department of Revenue Administration – Property. For more information regarding accepted forms of payment and fees click here. **Motor Vehicle renewals and dog registrations are for Bedford residents only. Assessments of your property are recorded as of April 1st of each tax year. Browse the Bradford, NH property tax rates on our Tax Rates tables and find out about department of revenue and municipal statistics.The information displayed on this website is pulled from recent census reports and other public information sources. Federal income taxes are not included.] Property tax liens cannot be - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.
"doe" and choose from results) Search By Parcel ID: (this appears on your tax bill) Map: Lot: Sub: Search By Address: e.g. Melissa Cloutier, Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Notary – tc@bradfordnh.org (Town Clerk’s Office is closed when the NH DMV is closed) PO Box 607 / 134 East Main St, Bradford, NH 03221 Office: (603) 938-2288 / Fax: (603) 938-5694. This includes Annual Reports (going back to 1867), MP3 recordings of meetings, Zoning Ordinances, Planning and Zoning Applications and Building Permit Applications plus other information. We are pleased to announce the unveiling of Citizen Self Service!