He considered "Pacific sea bass" and "South American sea bass" before settling on "Chilean sea bass".In the UK, the approved commercial designations for Patagonian toothfish spawn in deep water (around 1,000 m) during the austral winter, producing As most toothfish fisheries are managed in accordance with Commercial fishing of toothfish is managed by the CCAMLR inside the CCAMLR Convention Area, which spans the Antarctic continent and waters between 45°S and 60°S. Seven of the fisheries that are fished by COLTO members are now independently certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)In 2004, the South Georgia toothfish fishery (CCAMLR Statistical Division 48.3) was the first toothfish fishery to be MSC certified, and was recertified in 2009 and 2014, as all MSC certified fisheries must be audited annually, and fully reassessed every five years. This fishery catches mainly Antarctic toothfish, a close relative of the Patagonian toothfish.France regulates Patagonian toothfish in the waters surrounding the French islands in the South Indian Ocean, with scientific oversight from the Combined, over 50% of all legally harvested toothfish is independently assessed and certified by the MSC as being from sustainable and well-managed fisheries.The Chilean toothfish fishery is separated into two separate fleets. Purves, M.G., Agnew, D.J., Balguerías, E., de Canarias, C.O., Moreno, C.A. However, these fisheries are still subject to the CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme, which tracks the trade of toothfish from the point of unloading to the point of final consumption.In the legal toothfish fisheries managed by CCAMLR and countries with territorial waters, the most common method is fishing by longlines (where a long "mainline" is set in the water, with many baited hooks coming off that line). A small quantity of toothfish is caught by trawling (where a net is towed behind the boat for short periods of time). A close relative, the Antarctic toothfish, is found farther south around the edges of the Antarctic shelf; and a Marine Stewardship Council-certified fishery is active in the Ross Sea. Crozet, Prince Edwards, and Marion Islands) are managed separately by countries with territorial waters taking CCAMLR management practices into account. KILLER WHALE (ORCINUS ORCA) AND SPERM WHALE (PHYSETER MACROCEPHALUS) INTERACTIONS WITH LONGLINE VESSELS IN THE PATAGONIAN TOOTHFISH FISHERY AT SOUTH GEORGIA, SOUTH ATLANTIC. The Coalition of Legal Toothfish Operators, Inc. (COLTO) is a toothfish fishing industry body whose members represent around 80% of the legal toothfish catch worldwide.

The "artisanal fleet" of small boats operates in the region north of 47°S inside the Chilean EEZ; and six vessels from the "industrial fleet" operate south of 47°S inside the Chilean EEZ, as well as on the high seas both within and outside CCAMLR waters.Argentina's toothfish fishery off its coastline is managed by the Argentine Federal Fisheries Council under recommendations from the National Fisheries Research Institute. The average weight of a commercially caught Patagonian toothfish is 7–10 kg (15–22 lb), depending on the fishery, with large adults occasionally exceeding 100 kilograms (220 lb). By 2010, IUU catches had fallen to an estimated 1,615 tonnes, all taken in high-seas areas, with just four IUU fishing vessels reported to be active. The average weight of a commercially caught Patagonian toothfish is However, since 2005, because of CCAMLR member nations, government patrol vessels, NGOs, media exposure, and trade and port state measures, IUU fishing has been all but eliminated from within countries' EEZs, and until 2015, a relatively small portion of IUU fishing still occurred in high seas areas.At the peak of IUU fishing, illegal catches were estimated to be 32,000 tonnes in 1997 with about 55 vessels believed to be active. He was looking for a name that would make it attractive to the American market. and Watkins, B., 2004. The Patagonian toothfish is a species of notothen found in cold waters between depths of 45 and 3,850 m in the southern Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans and Southern Ocean on seamounts and continental shelves around most Subantarctic islands.

This was a decrease in IUU fishing by over 95% since the mid 1990s. Toothfish fisheries outside the CCAMLR Convention Area in the coastal waters of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay are managed by the relevant coastal state. Some fisheries inside territorial waters within the convention area (e.g. Because of previous poaching, the TACs for legal operators in CCAMLR are set, taking into account the estimated IUU catches from past years, and any current IUU activity that may be occurring in the different fisheries.In addition to the catch documentation system mentioned above, USA regulations do not allow toothfish imports without valid The EU has also imposed requirements against IUU fishing that include: