On-Demand Training SnowPro Certifications Current Promotions. Licenses overview Licenses overview; Notes overview Notes overview; Profile Profile; Sub-logins Sub-logins; Redeem code Redeem code; Transfer licenses Transfer licenses; FAQ Available TRAININGs. Located in cities around the world, our user groups bring together data professionals to connect, share ideas and innovate together. Our first event is led by our Data Heroes and is an opportunity for Snowflake users and data enthusiasts around the world to virtually come together and talk on all things data! Be part of the Snowflake Teachers Community. to deliver data visualization through dashboards, charts, and other graphical output.Business intelligence also sometimes overlaps with technologies such as Snowflake is known to inter-operate with the following BI tools:Pentaho 8.3 (or higher): Snowflake plugin — download from the Pentaho Register today and save your spot. It enables educators to choose the teaching resources that work best for their students and display different content and activities in a different Zone.More and more teachers are using videos to boost student engagement in the classroom.With Snowflake, you have access to video-linked lessons that provide hands-on activities aligned with educational standards.These lessons are made by teachers for teachers by the members of NUITEQ’s Global Content Department, but also by teachers all over the world who use Snowflake in their classroom.Lessons connected to the specific grade level and subject can be filtered in Snowflake. As the account administrator (ACCOUNTADMIN role) for your Snowflake account, set the SAML_IDENTITY_PROVIDER parameter. In this free eBook, Sigma explores the role of community-driven A&BI in today's business environment and how data and BI teams can use Sigma and Snowflake. Use the values you saved to a temporary location in "Configuring OneLogin": ssoUrl: Enter the SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) value. Snowflake: ODBC Driver — download from the Snowflake Client Repository. Configuring Snowflake. Follow Us. Business intelligence (BI) tools enable analyzing, discovering, and reporting on data to help executives and managers make more informed business decisions. Get together to talk about what you have built, check out new features, and learn from each other. Note: This email address must match the user's Snowflake user login. Additional resources: How to connect to Snowflake (Microstrategy Community) How to connect to Snowflake in Secure Enterprise Platform 10.2 (Microstrategy Community) Configuring MicroStrategy to use Snowflake (Snowflake Community) Mode Analytics: No requirements.

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License Management System. The Snowflake online active learning ecosystem allows teachers to share their lessons with other teachers saving them lesson planning time.

COME TOGETHER. Snowflake GROUP BY is a new Community series launching July 15, 2020. Welcome to Snowflake From our fundamentals training to our role-based workshops, we have the training to meet your needs and enable your success with Snowflake, The Cloud Data Platform. Snowflake is HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC 1 and SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, and FedRAMP Ready Snowflake Partners can build successful practices and make customers successful. Become a User. Login. Small group collaborative learning is enabled using separate Zones.The Snowflake online active learning ecosystem allows teachers to share their lessons with other teachers saving them lesson planning time.Connect and engage through comments and feedback on other teachers’ lessons and get everything you need to create interactive classroom experiences.©2007-2020 NATURAL USER INTERFACE TECHNOLOGIES AB (NUITEQActivate your students for greater engagement with NUITEQ Snowflake.Teachers and students can now easily and quickly create engaging, and relevant activities using the online version of Snowflake on any device, anywhere, and anytime. Connect and engage through comments and feedback on other teachers’ lessons and get everything you need to create interactive classroom experiences. A key component of any BI tool is the ability NUITEQ Snowflake is the educational software that brings interactivity to your school and increases collaboration in the classroom and a remote learning setting.Every age and subject has different needs; Snowflake offers a unique configurator that allows the schools’ IT Administrator to select the appropriate scaffolds of both tools and content their teachers need.Together with its online version, Snowflake creates an active learning system well adapted to personalized learning. Sisense for Cloud Data Teams (formerly Periscope Data) available for trial via Customer Portal (requires login)Pentaho 8.2 (or lower): No Pentaho requirements; see Snowflake requirementsPentahoSnowflakePlugin (3rd-party connector) — download from Enroll as a user in the Snowflake Partner Network and become a part of a fast growing data ecosystem.