My 85 year old father fillets them and breads them with pork shake and bake and fries them in bacon grease. After all, many people say it doesn’t taste good. Just remember that the trick to de-boning is to keep your knife moving along the grain of the meat just like you would do with wood. Can You Eat Muskie? sauce to this baked Muskie fish and have the taste of this mouthwatering dish.Cut In the morning wash off the salt , which will have drawn much of the mucus flavour out of the fish.Cook the fish at a high temperature. However, some simple tips can help prevent or reduce the amount of slime.By following these steps, you will reduce or prevent the slime build-up and keep the fish firmer during cooking. This is delicious and also works well with mackerel or herring.We baked a 26 inch pike the other night and still have half of him in the fridge im wondering if you know a good way to use the leftovers?We also have a 34 inch pike in the freezer im gonna use one of your recipes to bake him!You're welcome, Tony. It belongs to the pike family and can prey on any fish, which is almost thirty percent of its own length.
To answer this question, let’s begin with a short explanation of this amazing creature. The vinegar used in the pickling process will soften/dissolve the fish bones until they are not noticeable. Totally agree with you about only killing what you are going to eat.Great recipe I will certainly try eating pike always thought it was a taboo subject evidently not ,when I was a teenager we were told not to put them back into the lake or pit we fished and just killed them obviously things have changed. Take the right tools for Muskie fishing session. your Muskie fish and then season it. 2011-04-25 21:03:51 2011-04-25 21:03:51. yes you can eat pike, but it is bony and very fishy tasting.
These underwater structures are often full of prey fish. What we must first do is locate pike and try to give them the perfect lure to eat or wrestle. Vacuum sealers are a great way to do this.To avoid having to de-bone the pike, one option is to pickle the fish. But they also are excellent served baked, pan roasted, or in stew once the bones are removed. 1. However, for those that take the time to learn how to clean them, they do make delicious eating. need to give that one a try. With butter, We usually put pike back in the water, as with all coarse fish. coal. catch the fish and try out the delectable recipes with Muskie. Does it have seasons like other course fish?Copyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. In fact, these steps can be used with any fish that is likely to lose flavor or get slimy over time.Many people do not eat pike, not because of its flavor, but because of the difficulty in cleaning them. When needed, they can be frozen for very short periods of time, but they should be used before any other fish. Pike doesn't fit that category, so it is considered a gamefish, along with bass, trout, muskie, walleye etc.Thank you so much for this recipe! Some of the bigger ones can be a bit tough. The pike is a large fish that can grow over a metre in length. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.I'll throw any of the pike family back so you guys can catch them and eat them.Glad you liked it as much as I did. Serve with fresh crusty bread. Many consider its meat thinner and tastier than trout. fillet the fish and leave overnight covered with salt. may also wear puncture resistant, protective gloves to manage Muskies. Lay the pike on it's belly and cut about half inch down right behind the head. The fresher the pike, the better it cooks and tastes.Pike have several Y bones that make de-boning difficult. Therefore check this out before deciding whether to consume this fish or not, because eating fish that lives in unclean and polluted waters can make you sick.If you do choose to go the dinner way, remember you got a lot of cleaning ahead of you. I didn't know that it was pikeuntil I looked the name up when I returned home. Mix such as some rocket or roughly chopped lettuce leaves with chopped tomatoes, cucumber, pitted black olives and sliced red onion. It uses these plants as hiding places when hunting, bursting out with remarkable speed to catch fish, frogs, small mammals or ducklings. Clean them as soon as possible after killing to keep the slime build-up and the meat firm.

Young pike are called 'jack' and will eat small fish and invertebrates. Pickling them is one way to avoid de-boning. Some anglers catch this fish just for entertainment. Once they are removed, you can eat the fish. A few tricks and techniques might just convince you to try one.Before you can cook your pike, you need to catch it. Although some would consider small pike to be difficult to handle, clean and cook, they are actually very easy. Happy fishing.I am Steven, an experienced fisherman, and outdoor enthusiast. When researching the web about the best time for pike fishing, I saw very many people asking do pike eat at night.