To paraphrase the great Kelly Galloup: the ideal nymph fisherman will hit bottom as quickly as possible with as little weight as possible. The method was indicator nymphing with a drop-shot nymph rig. A rig that keeps your nymphs deep yet avoids snags is just the ticket. I almost always make my top dropper on my drop-shot nymph rig a soft hackle. I’d like to say that I was pleased for my buddies but to tell you the truth I was cold and gutted that I was totally out of the action and was being shown up by my novice friends. But you can use whichever you like. The fly should flow along at the determined depth as the rig is dragged along by the current.If you want to change the depth of the rig, you’ll have to either retie it with a longer or shorter drop shot section, or use an adjustable dropper.

Once Michael got used to the nuances of the rig, he stuck four fish. Problem was if the shot hung up between rocks you could lose your bottom fly. A light-weight or unweighted fly attached to a dropper moves freely as the current lifts and drops the pattern naturally. What you see is my current default trout nymph rig. I had two trips planned...Since taking office in 2017, Donald Trump and his administration have made a mockery of the EPA and U.S. environmental policy. TIP #7 Use chain-style drop-shot rigs. It was a frosty early morning in mid July and I was standing up to my nipples in the Tongariro. So: I’ve been drop-shot nymphing for quite some time now. Or was it only one days experience, repeated a hundred times over. You may be a mountain goat now, able to boulder hop your way up...Since taking office in 2017, Donald Trump and his administration have made a mockery of the EPA and U.S. environmental policy. A drop-shot nymph rig with sighter for both indicator or tight line nymphing.

Probably most of these were true. I’ve been using 6X for the drop shot tag to make it the weakest link in the system. You don’t have to worry about being savaged by a pack of purists the next time you decide to try fishing a drop shot rig — nothing’s hatching when this bad boy is called for. You mentioned you make your own indicators. The tag end in the fluorocarbon was used for a dropper allowing for a two fly rig with a lot more fly movement than a traditional tied to the shank dropper attachment. Winter fly fishing means cold water and trout that don’t like to move off the bottom much. Similar to various contact nymphing methods, feeling the weight bounce and drag on the bottom provides a constant point of reference and greatly increases strike detection.Here are a few drop shot builds and how to fish them.

On migratory fish, use egg patterns in the spring or fall to make the most of deep pools where fish are stacked up. Moments later Mark realised he could cover the same area as Matt was and quickly started hooking into fish.

I hadn’t even touched a fish as they dragged fish number seven onto the bank.

The only downside of Spectra is that it is coloured and although I always fish an olive or smoke coloured spectra versus the bright greens and pinks available for fly fishing purposes I’d always tie in a fluorocarbon tippet on the end for stealth.So with the combination of split shot and a super braid leader the technique of Drop Shot nymphing was born. To the shank of the bomb was tied a further foot of 8lb mono onto which I tied glo bugs (also known as emerging trout patterns by those in denial of their use). Or nothing at all.I don’t pre-tie my lower sections. Thinking you could have different combinations of fliesHi Greg.

While you can certainly fish this versatile rig throughout the year, it will be most effective over other methods in deep, fast water following winter run-off and heavy rains. So with the combination of split shot and a super braid leader the technique of Drop Shot nymphing was born. In a quest to get deeper I squeezed some split shot onto my line just above the bomb. Again, you can and should do as suits you.

Simply drop or cast the rig where you want it, give a little slack to let it sink, watch and feel for an indication that the fly has hit bottom, and lift your rod tip until your leader is almost taught and you can feel the weights bouncing.

The specific method was indicator nymphing, drop shot rig, and we went with a sz 14 Frenchie Variant and a sz 18 SHPT. Fly Fishing Tips: How to tie a “Drop Shot” Here’s how to tie a “Drop Shot” or “Pogo” nymphing leader that will catch more fish than you ever thought possible: Use fluorocarbon material, it’s virtually invisible, stronger, and it sinks better than mono. You can detect strikes when your leader suddenly stops short, straightens out, twitches, or you simply feel the hit. I’m sure there will be more questions and as always, I am happy to answer them.Great information.