Cook the fillets for 5 minutes per inch of thickness; for fillets that are 1/2 inch thick, cook them for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes.

This will remove the fishy taste from the meat. Place your fish flat on the lined pan. Bojana Galic is the staff writer for and is currently finishing her NASM personal training certification. Grill Cook fillets under a preheated medium grill for 2-3 minutes, turning once and brushing with olive oil occasionally.

Filleted or whole, sea bass suits a whole range of cooking methods and should present no difficulty to a proficient home cook. The simplest way to prepare sea bass, however, is to roast it. There is an old saying, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. However, they don’t taste as appealing, which is why people catch and release them! Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM Heat a little olive oil and butter in a pan and add fillets. My favorite lure is a # 3 Blue Fox with a Mr Twister curly tailed grub on a single pronged hook.Most fish like hiding places like weeds or rocks and wait for food to pass their hiding place, then they strike. When the water is bloody, rinse the filets with clean cold water and put the filets back in the fridge to soak. Whole sea bass have sharp fins and a thick layer of scales that need to be removed prior to cooking. Ingredients.
I only keep crappie or bluegill if I catch a lot of them.

Start cooking the sides 45 minutes for baked potato, 20 minutes for rice before you preheat the griddle or frying pan as an example.Preheat your large frying pan on high or plug in your electric griddle and preheat it to 450 degrees. Place the filets in a bowl of cold water and place it in the fridge checking it every couple hours. Repeat this step until the water no longer gets bloody then cut the filets into single servings and remove the lateral bones.Using your finger feel for the lateral line bones and cut a thin strip of meat out of the filet taking the lateral line bones out of the filet.Griddle or large frying pan, I like an electric griddle for frying my fish for its regulated even heat.Since the fish filets only take 10 minutes from preheat to cooked, start the sides in time to be ready at the same time as the fish filets. Baked Bass. may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. This is an especially popular option if you're bringing it home freshly caught. Place the bass fillets in a single layer on the grill. may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story.

Very nice! When the water is bloody, rinse the filets with clean cold water and put the filets back in the fridge to soak.