The Chapter's typical tactical doctrine consists of rapid maneuver engagements consisting of the deployment of The Raven Guard's battleline squads are deployed via The Chapter maintains few and fields even fewer armoured fire support vehicles such as The Chapter rarely goes to battle without heavy aerial assets such as Drop Pods and wings of gunships to support operations in the field and respond swiftly to developing threats.

Veteran Sergeants have a white helm with a skull placed in its centre. The Raven Guard is also rightly feared for the potent units of The Raven Guard and their Successor Chapters are masters of infiltration and subterfuge, able to defeat an enemy of the Imperium with a precisely aimed and overwhelming assault in the manner of their Primarch, whose loss they mourn to this very day. For decades, many of those who had served in this battle bore upon their armour the ancient Jovian rune, surmounted by the numeral XIX as a reminder of their victory and their loss. Only by being hunted can he reach that place within himself that allows the wraith-slip to become perfect Like their fellow Astartes Chapters, the Raven Guard also maintains a Librarius of potent Each Chapter selects its Librarians in its own way, either from seed worlds, as it does with the bulk of its Initiates, or from the ranks of gifted psykers brought to the Librarians of the Raven Guard are trained in this way, and, with few minor traditional variances, have been taught to live by the word of the The Raven Guard generally follows the dictates of the The Chapter specialises in guerilla tactics behind enemy lines, using precisely coordinated attacks and refraining from frontal attacks or protracted attrition warfare. This art of silent and stealthy movement particular to the Chapter is known as Raven Guard Neophytes are taught this art in the labyrinths of the Ravenspire, and they learn how to muffle the noise they make, first with rags and packed earth, then with acoustic dampeners and pure skill at movement. It was they who named him, using their word for "saviour" or "deliverer" in anticipation of future deeds.

Falling prey to the Warmaster's perfidy, the Legion was devastated, and along with the As history records, the Legions of the second wave were already in the sway of Horus, and the Raven Guard and their brothers were massacred. Corax ordered his warriors to dig in and hold position at Lurgan Ridge while he undertook a lone reconnaissance of their original drop site to determine their options. Shrike is a beast, and an absolute bargain at 130pts. Despite their Astartes-enhanced physiology and their cumbersome armour, they are taught to move with silence and invisibility, shifting from one pool of darkness to another within the shadows. As with many of the Primarchs, Corax matured in a preternaturally short span of time, the phenomenon serving to confirm the slaves' belief that he represented a great gift to their people.

The Raven Guard display their Chapter badge upon their left pauldron against a field of sable.

The Raven Guard were to lose nearly 75,000 Legionaries during the betrayal known as the Drop Site Massacre, and by the end of the ninety-eight solar days that followed, could muster but a fraction of their former strength. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Galactic War Battles Won 15,823.

The The established capital located at the sprawling proto-hive of Khry Vanak -- Istvaan III's political and cultural capital ("Choral City" in translation) -- was chosen as the site of Imperial power.

At length, Corax could utilise this uncanny ability to go where no other slave in the prison could go, moving about unseen beneath the hard gaze of the guards.

Studying tomes not consulted in centuries, Corax found a way of saving his Legion from extinction, though he would hate himself for all time for the choice he was forced to make. As a result, much of the Raven Guard's genetic material had to come from undamaged gene-stocks that were tithed and stored on Terra during the Second Founding. Any dedicated Space Marine list wants a Chapter Master, and in general (thanks to the huge pile of exciting stratagems they now have access to) they’d rather pay a point premium for one than spend 2CP to upgrade a Captain. A handful of centuries after Corax's disappearance, the gene-seed of the Raven Guard began to deteriorate.

The Raven Guard Chapter makes wide use of the "beaked" older versions of the standard Space Marine The available resources were too few to re-equip them up to the most advanced technological standards of the Imperium and even today there is a higher percentage of ancient suits of Power Armour amongst the Chapter than in most others. Under the iron watch of heavily armed guards, the enslaved inhabitants of Lycaeus, who included criminals, political opponents and workers who had failed to meet their quotas, had long provided the rulers of Kiavahr with a free and unlimited source of manpower. Kayvaan Shrike [8 PL, 130pts] + Troops + Incursor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]: Incursor Sergeant. Kayvaan your my hero!!