Research has found that activated charcoal can be abrasive on teeth and tooth-colored restorations, leading to loss of tooth structure. However, be cautious because you can damage your enamel or gums, which can lead to sensitivity and cavities. What Causes Yellow Teeth? Then brush your teeth.There are no specific studies that confirm the teeth whitening effect of oil pulling.
Further studies on the effect of oil pulling with coconut oil are needed.Make a mouthwash by mixing 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 6 ounces of water. More human studies are needed to expand upon these findings.Some people claim that rubbing lemon, orange, or banana peels on your teeth will make them whiter. Discolored dentin could be caused by a variety of things including medications and your genes. Under the enamel, there’s a different kind of tooth tissue called dentin.Dentin is typically a bit softer than enamel and is usually yellowish in color. Or, you can try baking soda with water.Swish 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid coconut oil in your mouth for 10 to 30 minutes. But if you’ve adjusted your lifestyle and still struggle with yellow teeth, chances are the problem isn’t staining.When teeth are naturally yellow, the problem is usually deeper than that. Dentin is a naturally yellow, bony tissue that lies underneath the enamel. Normal tooth staining is discoloration of the hard, outermost surface of your teeth. Some of the suggestions below do not have research to support them, but have been proven to be effective by anecdotal reports.

Over time, the external enamel layer of teeth becomes thin, with ivory more visible. So, use it with caution, and only use it for short amounts of time. Mouthwash with Hydrogen Peroxide Solution; 3. You may wear away too much of your enamel, which could put you at risk for sensitivity and cavities.Here are seven natural options for getting rid of yellow teeth. This layer is called the tooth enamel and it’s the hardest tissue found anywhere in the human body. The best way to whiten your teeth is to prevent stains before they happen, continue to practice good oral hygiene, and have regular dental checkups.If you’ve tried these methods without success, your dentist may be able to help you determine if another treatment method may be a better option.If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission.© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Aging is another natural reason for tooth yellowing.

Make sure to thoroughly rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth afterward.Scientific research proving the effectiveness of using fruit peels to make teeth whiter is lacking.People who brushed with a toothpaste containing d-limonene combined with a whitening formula twice daily for 4 weeks significantly reduced smoking stains, though it didn’t remove long-standing smoking stains or tea stains.Further studies are needed to determine if d-limonene is effective on its own. Obviously, this will only worsen your problem rather than improving it.Fact is, these kits can’t go beyond the outer layer of your teeth to bleach the discoloration of your dentin, so for some people, they make no difference in whiting the teeth at all.Luckily there’s still a way to whiten your teeth, even if it’s your dentin that’s causing the yellowness.Deep Bleaching is the most effective method to whiten any kind of tooth discoloration.
Some people struggle with yellow teeth without understanding why nothing’s working.

The method seems to work well, even when your tooth discoloration goes beyond your tooth enamel. This is because bleaching kits, whitening toothpastes, and other home treatments for yellow teeth are only meant to bleach the enamel.And while using a bleaching kits sparingly can help to whiten your teeth somewhat, you should be careful not to overuse them. If you wear away too much enamel, more of the yellowy dentin underneath will become exposed. Some individual’s teeth are naturally yellow in color.