Rover, a street-smart dog owned by a Las Vegas showgirl is dumped off Hoover Dam by the showgirl's boyfriend. Rover manages to fight the wolves off, and brings the other farm dogs to get the injured Cal home. She first meets Rover while tending to her duties at the farm next door, who takes and immediate interest in her. The story ends with Rover teaching his kids how to play cards, and playfully chasing Daisy around the farmyard. But when her jealous boyfriend, Rocky throws him over the Hoover Dam, Rover ends up in a farm where he meets a boy named Danny and a beautiful collie named, Daisy.

Yell all you want.

You’re only yelling at the hole within.I’m quite the fan of Rodney Dangerfield, but when screenshots of your movie are funnier than the actual jokes then you have a problemIt's nothing like Fred and the Nature Gang. Infuriated, Rocky tries to retaliate against Connie, but Rover and his dog friends chase him out of the casino, where he runs into a limo filled with the gangsters.

Rover Dangerfield attempts to put two and two together. Your jeers will make no dent on Rover Dangerfield just as an arrow -shot at the sun by the lost and delirious traveler in the desert- will never knock our giver of life from the sky. However, Rover just speaks in one liners the whole time, even when he sings.

I also don't get why the dog looks like Rodney, but I rather not know the answer.I think it's more funny how bad it's presented and Rodney does have a funny way in his delivery here that does get a laugh out of me a couple times. Up next The next morning, Cal takes Rover into the woods and is about to put him down, but is attacked by the wolves. And let me tell ya, there's a lot to appreciate about it.Counting down the minutes until I forget I watched this.THE POSTER FOR THIS IS IN FRENCH OR SOMETHING I THINK LMAOMillions of dollars spent on their budgets and marketing them to millions across the world, these movies (theatrical releases) became…I do not recommend a vast majority of these films. As Rover tries to save the turkey, the wolves ran off, but the bird ends up dead and Cal mistakenly believes Rover to have been responsible.
Rover, a street-smart dog owned by a Las Vegas showgirl is dumped off Hoover Dam by the showgirl's boyfriend. After Rocky accidentally confesses to what he did, Connie angrily breaks up with him. A 1991 Animated Musical produced by Hyperion Pictures and released by Warner Bros. starring the voice talents of comedian Rodney Dangerfield, who also wrote and co-produced the film. However, rather than drowning, Rover ends up on a farm. When Rocky comes into Connie's dressing room, and upon seeing him, Rover initiates revenge.
But this movie exists as a testament to the weird and thoughtless cynicism at the heart of all mankind.