Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. For a better way to check and understand whether or not your processor’s temperatures are acceptable or not, keep reading this guide.First off, before you can determine whether or not you are getting safe CPU temperatures, you will need some way to check and see what temperature your processor’s cores are actually running at.You can check your CPU core temperature directly through your motherboard’s BIOS. Here is the Now why it’s important to check CPU temperature. Optimal CPU Temperature In General Usage, most processors will have an average temperature between 40-70 °C. Noctua NH-D14 CPU Cooler. But, why is my processor running 3-degrees Celsisus higher than theirs?”Well, it’s possible that the room temperature where your computer is operating is higher than the room temperature where the benchmark you saw took place.

I’ve been building computers and writing about building computers for a long time. Dust is a major problem with PCs, as they attract it like no one’s business. Generally speaking, the stock thermal paste that comes applied on Intel’s stock coolers is not going to give as good of heat transfer as a high-end thermal compound will and, as a result, the stock thermal paste will produce higher CPU temperatures.So, be sure that if you are comparing your temperatures with others who have the same processor as you, that you are taking into consideration the cooler your are using and the quality of the thermal paste that you have applied.Another thing to consider in determining whether or not your temperatures are appropriate or not is the amount of airflow you are getting in your case.You may have an identical processor and CPU cooler combination as someone else, but you may be getting higher CPU temperatures because that someone else has a better case that is pushing more air over their processor.So, again, if someone is posting that they are getting better temperatures than you, be sure that you are considering the fact that they could have a setup that allows for more airflow (and, thus, lower temperatures. However, this reading will only give you the idle temp for your CPU and won’t help you when stress testing your system. And, with the information in this guide, I think you’ll have a better idea of how to figure that out.Hey, I’m Brent. And whatever I do, it never gets to 60 C. (I do’t play games though. is doing a proper job of keeping the CPU cool:Close the computer case (put back the side panels) and The 70C might happen during gaming but if you run for days at 100% CPU and GPU load your system will will reach a higher thermal equilibrium. Hardware. Here is the list of average and normal CPU temperatures of popular Intel & AMD processors.Have you ever wondered exactly what is the normal CPU temperature range for better PC performance?