You can bleed out the fish by cutting the gills after the fish is dead. I am fleshing and de-greasing them now and will shortly be available for sale. The name “Sturgeon” is actually a generalized term that makes up over 25 different species of fish within the Acipenseridae family. Once this step is complete, store the fish on ice prior to filleting. Sturgeons are one of the few prehistoric types of fish that still swims in our waters to this day. This helps avoid the possibility of being overfished and preserves the population. Salmon I’d boil for 1 or 2 minutes, but you can scrape the skin even without cooking. Unfortunately, these fish have been negatively impacted by the change of their natural habitat. This could eventually lead to extinction. Prices will vary from $29-$69 per skin depending on size. Yes, the Sturgeon can be eaten. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to They can be found in the rivers around Russia and Ukraine as well as the fresh waters of North America. The fish produces a fat, flaky white meat that goes well with some butter. LAST AND MOST IMPORTANT STEP: As a result, most species of Sturgeon are either threatened or endangered. These contaminants can also be found in the flesh of fish but not always at levels as concentrated as they are in the skin and fat. Most states have a fishing website resource page that updates this data seasonly or yearly.The Sturgeon is a very interesting fish that continues to thrive in the freshwaters of the Northern Hemisphere. The nonprofit watchdog group keeps a close eye on the seafood industry. Don't know what info., your wantin' but, to answer your question, yes they can be eaten. You also need to tenderize the skins of thick-skinned fish, like sturgeon, sharks and fish like salmon and triggerfish. When they are young, they experience their fastest pace of growing, then they continue at a slower pace in the years after. Both the skin and fat of fish collect toxins that accumulate in the waters of rivers, streams and oceans. Off the water, he enjoys blogging and sharing his favorite fishing tips & tricks that he has learned over the years.Disclaimer: His favorite fish to catch is a striped bass and his favorite bait to use is bunker. For freshwater fishing in California, the limit is usually three fish per year. Recreationally, they are certainly a fun fish to catch!Growing up on the south shore of Long Island, Chum Charlie has always had a passion for fishing. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates.How Much Does a Pound of Sturgeon Cost at the Fish Market? However, always check to see the most updated fishing laws for your state. Here’s what I’ve found with certain skins: Sturgeon and leopard shark: Boil for about 5 minutes. With family roots dating back to the Triassic period, roughly 240 million years ago, this fish is almost like a swimming dinosaur!The Sturgeon fish is often compared to a shark because of its distinctive characteristics, such as its heterocercal caudal fin. Finally, when you do eat fish, opt for things like wild-caught Alaskan salmon, Pacific sardines and Atlantic mackerel.