Who would rather be stuck on a desert island with? 9: Email Surveillance) While Michael and Dwight are away from the office, Jim and Pam organize an "office Olympics" where employees compete in ridiculous games. C'est l'occasion d'une cérémonie de récompenses annuelle avec pour point culminant un coucours hilarant de karaoké !Michael organise la grande soirée de remise des prix pour ses employés.Aors que la direction rappelle sa politique en matière de harcèlement sexuel, le meilleur ami de Michael s'invite au bureau.Profitant de l'absence de Michael et de Dwight, Jim, rongé par l'ennui, organise les premiers Jeux Olympiques de Dunder Mifflin.In incendie se déclare dans les locaux, forçant les employés à se réunir dans le parking.Alors que Michael est contraint de licencier un membre du personnel, Jim et Pam tentent de se débarrasser de Dwight.Michael est humilié par Dwight après une épreuve de force inattendue. PC

The Fire 21m. Vos recherches récentes seront effacées. Halloween. Current TV Shows Switch RSS Feeds Better Call Saul: Season 5 ... A small fire in the kitchen forces the staff to wait in the parking lot where Jim suggests a game of "Desert Island" and Michael tries to impress Ryan. save hide report. Halloween. Also, a looser reference in the episode “The Fire”, when asked what book he would bring to a desert island, after he gives his answer he says “Question: did my shoes come off in the plane crash?” which some Lost/The Office fans have speculated that Dwight had Lost in mind when asking that. 5. Where did Dwight insert his REAL listening device? 4: The Fire) Michael and Dwight physically fight (Ep. Mrs. America: Season 1 5. Her son, Jake, lives with her (Take Your Daughter to Work Day). 8: Performance Review) The one with Jim’s BBQ (Ep. The office plays desert island (Ep. What is Phyllis's maiden name? To ease everyone's boredom, Jim suggests a game of "Desert Island" and "Who Would You Do?," where certain staff members reveal a little too much information about themselves.