Meanwhile, Fergie has only got two VIP tickets to Glastonbury and has to choose between Beatrice and Eugenie! Charles is smitten with the new manager of the Highgrove gift shop, while Anne has a schoolgirl crush on her special friend David Beckham. Wills, Kate, Harry and Meghan are excited to bring the British people together; meanwhile, Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Edward and Prince Andrew, are striking from all royal duties in protest of the minimal rise to the Sovereign Grant. Tom Durant-Pritchard took over the role of Prince Harry from Richard Goulding.With the country divided, the government have asked the Royals to cheer up Britain. Charles and Camilla have reluctantly agreed to visit the Middletons' house with Wills and Kate. Wills wants to prove to Kate that he's man enough to handle their home renovations, but he is tricked by their builder into buying a £30 million platinum RSJ. Kate complains that royal duties are hard, so Pippa sets out to prove her wrong, while Beatrice and Eugenie are offered millions to be the face of a new Japanese perfume - on the condition they never associate with their mother again. "The Windsors was low-budget, crude and rude. When confronted by the real Kate and robot Kate, Meghan can't tell them apart.
Delving behind the headlines and Channel 4 stated that a third series of The Windsors would premiere early in 2020. Longstanding rivalry between Kate and Pippa prevails when the race is on to get Mike Middleton the best birthday present. Wills wants his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, and Uncle Edward agrees to help him. Donald Trump invites Charles and Camilla to abandon England and become king and queen of America - but Wills suspect there is a sinister agenda behind the offer Once out in open countryside, though, they're kidnapped by an unscrupulous farmer, who sees them as cheap labour.

Confident that this will only make The Fab Four even more popular, Camilla plots to cause a rift between them. Harry and Meghan are enjoying married life, but when Meghan catches Harry in a compromising situation with Pippa, Harry is in trouble. Beatrice and Eugenie are working as lowly chalet girls at Fergie's Verbier pad. The production aims to address recent topical stories about the Royal Family, including the apparent feud between Wills and Kate and Harry and Meghan. Beatrice has set up a new drinks brand called 'GinVoddieRum' and wants Eugenie to be her business partner. The Windsors is a British sitcom and parody of the British royal family, the House of Windsor, shown on Channel 4, first broadcast in April 2016 and starring Harry Enfield, Haydn Gwynne, Hugh Skinner, Louise Ford, Richard Goulding, Morgana Robinson, Katy Wix, Ellie White, and Celeste Dring.
Camilla warns Charles that the nation thinks he's an eccentric crank. In a bid to prove her wrong, Charles befriends a blind man who doesn't recognise him and can judge his ideas on their merits. Forced to attend the society event of the season in her mother's 1980s cast-offs, Beatrice catches the eye of Europe's most eligible bachelor, Count Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. Meanwhile, Kate is worried that Wills might be cheating on her. There's not much of this kind of punk comedy around on television at the moment, where deep, mordant, Its content was criticised: "The new series, which stars But it was all done with such cacophonous relish that resistance was useless. Meghan thinks Kate is behaving strangely and discovers that she has been replaced by a robot.

Charles is taking his new role as Defender of All Faiths very seriously, so when the Highgrove village branch leader of the Church of Satan invites him to officiate a Black Mass, Charles accepts - much to Camilla's dismay. Harry offers Pippa a job as his children's nanny, and Meghan makes a speech at the UN - but is persuaded to deliver it in Mandarin. Taking their cue from tabloid tittle-tattle and caricature, Channel 4 described the show, in a statement: “The series is a wry take on what the soap opera of their lives (and loves) might just be like.