Ahora el destino de la cosecha es convertirse en desinfectante para manos.Los dueños de un centro de lavado en Taiwán se han convertido en estrellas de Instagram por posar con prendas que los clientes abandonan.Una solución de cloro, muy popular en Bolivia, es solo uno de varios remedios de eficacia no comprobada que ganan terreno en una región necesitada de esperanza.Cremoso como la seda y más costoso que su peso en oro, un sombrero de Panamá Montecristi superfino no solo es un accesorio de moda, también es una obra de arte.Científicos en Boston y en los Países Bajos están en una carrera para encontrar una vacuna contra el virus que ha paralizado al mundo.Properly celebrating Tabaski, as Eid al-Adha is known in Senegal, requires a sacrificial sheep. And huge risks.Young Russians are partying again, seeking a return to normal life and willing to risk a coronavirus surge. But critics say the deal sends a troubling message to investors.Stigmatized, out of work and facing dangers, migrant laborers are returning by the thousands — and may be fueling a growing outbreak in Ethiopia.The spirit and the letter of the new law has been used to crush Hong Kong’s opposition. World News: Get Latest and breaking news from World. They would die to protect it.In a televised speech, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the country would expand its nuclear program and would not negotiate with the United States.The Trump administration has said the video app poses security concerns because of its Chinese ownership.Thousands in Berlin protest Germany’s coronavirus measures. Latest World news news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice Now, the...MINSK, Belarus (AP) — Belarusian authorities on Thursday accused more than 30 detained Russians of plotting terror attacks amid a presidential election campaign, allegations that Russian officials...CAIRO (AP) — When Turkey’s president signed a security deal last year to back one of the sides in Libya’s civil war, another agreement was waiting to be signed by his new proteges the same day: a...HONG KONG (AP) — At least 12 Hong Kong pro-democracy nominees including prominent activist Joshua Wong were disqualified for September legislative elections, with authorities saying Thursday they...FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Germany’s economy, Europe's largest, took a massive hit during the pandemic shutdowns, shrinking by 10.1% percent during the April-June period from the previous quarter...DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Masked pilgrims arrived Thursday at Mount Arafat, a desert hill near Islam’s holiest site, to pray and repent on the most important day of the hajj, the annual...SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — The bright yellow Hotel Holiday in downtown Sarajevo has seen good times and bad times in its 37-year history. Once the site of a major outbreak, Italy now offers lessons for keeping the virus in check.Record high temperatures were recorded in Baghdad and Damascus, and experts warned of the effects of prolonged heat waves as the planet warms.New estimates show that large parts of the country would likely see infected students if classrooms opened now.Inadequate testing and protracted delays in producing results have crippled tracking and hampered efforts to contain major outbreaks.A Times survey of hundreds of schools represents the most comprehensive look at the toll the virus has already taken on the country’s colleges and universities.A number of large retailers have said that all customers must wear masks, but some employees have been told they cannot force those who refuse.La transmisión por aerosoles es importante, y quizá sea mucho más relevante de lo que hemos podido comprobar hasta ahora.La pandemia del coronavirus y los aranceles impuestos por el gobierno de Donald Trump perjudicaron al mercado del vino francés. Episode 5: Lee Westwood.