There are five major ethnic groups in Ecuador: mestizo, white, Afroecuadorian, Amerindian, and Montubio. As in English, the names are written with capital letters. The Afro-Ecuadorian culture is found primarily in the country's northwest coastal region.

The answer is "yes". Indians speak Quichua—a Quechua dialect—although most are bilingual, speaking Spanish as a second language with varying degrees of facility. Learning the not-so-intuitive nationality names for Hispanic countries brings the Spanish student to a better understanding of the Spanish vocabulary and opens the door to learning the geography of our Spanish-speaking neighbors to the south. By the late 1980s, some younger Indians no longer learned Quichua.Although the Indians of the Oriente first came into contact with whites in the 16th century, the encounters were more sporadic than those of most of the country's indigenous population.

Home > Glossaries > Nationalities in Spanish. Quichua speakers (sometimes referred to as the Yumbos) grew out of the Both the Yumbos and the Jívaros depended on agriculture as their primary means of subsistence. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee.Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.For longer texts, use the world's best online translator!and Peoples in Argentina (ONPIA); the National Indingeous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) and the National Confederation of Peruvian Communities Affected by Mining (CONACAMI).y Pueblos Indígenas en Argentina (ONPIA); la Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (ONIC) y la Confederación Nacional de Comunidades del Perú Afectadas por la Minería (CONACAMI).role to play in combating all forms of discrimination and violence against women.un papel fundamental para combatir todas las formas de discriminación y violencia contra la mujer.ciudadanos ecuatorianos en defensa de sus derechos.joined the 38 mobile registration teams operating in rural las siete Universidades Católicas del país se unieron a los 38 equipos móviles de registro que operaban en las áreas rurales.In this context, initiatives should be highlighted such as that of the "Dolores Cacuango" Training School for Women Leaders, promotedEn este contexto, cabe destacar iniciativas como la Escuela de Formación de Mujeres Líderes "Dolores Cacuango" impulsadaen el país y en la región: se trata de una escuela de formación política desde las propias organizaciones para sus líderes mujeres.Retaining the situation as it had been in the previous period, when public agencies were responsible for directly exploiting the resources and levying taxes on them, the Act requires stateowned woodlands in permanent production to be exploited in one of the following ways, in order of priority: (i) directly or by delegation to other public enterprises or agencies; (ii) by joint private/public enterprises; (iii) under harvesting contracts concluded between the Ministry of Agricultureand (iv) under direct negotiated tender as stipulated by Law.Siguiendo la característica del período anterior, sobre la existencia de entes públicos encargados de explotar directamente los recursos y recaudar impuestos y tasas, se establece que el aprovechamiento de los bosques estatales de producción permanente se habrá de llevar a cabo, en orden de prioridad, a través de uno de los siguientes medios: (i) por administración directa o delegada a otros organismos o empresas públicas; (ii) por empresas de economía mixta; (iii) mediante contratos de aprovechamiento que el Ministerio de Agriculturay (iv) por contratación directa de conformidad con la Ley.Indigenous and peasant organizations, along with other Andean social organizations, including the Andean Committee of Indigenous Organizations (CAOI, Coordinadoramet in Lima in March for "The People's Meeting: TLC-CAN-UE, What They Are Not Saying," uniting their voices to condemn the free trade agreement that is currently being negotiated between various Andean governments and the European Union.Reunidos en la "Jornada de los Pueblos: TLC-CAN-UE, lo que no se ha dicho" el pasado mes de marzo en la ciudadde Pueblos de la Nacionalidad Kichwa del Ecuador (ECUARUNARI) ( unieron sus voces para repudiar el tratado de libre comercio que actualmente están negociando varios gobiernos andinos con la Unión Europea.Y en este contexto no importa demasiado si se trata de unHeritage for the Mankind", recognition that compels its inhabitants to continue through the path of la Humanidad, magno reconocimiento que compromete a sus habitantes el continuar por el sendero del progreso.Exiled to the United States of America during the Second WorldA death certificate may only be issued in respect of a personSólo se emitirá un certificado de defunción respecto de unaWe believe that staff should be held accountable for anyCreemos que debería responsabilizarse a los funcionarios de las prácticas
Indians in communities relying extensively on wage labor sometimes assumed Western-style dress while still maintaining their Indian identity. Mestizos constitute more than 70% of the population. Learning Spanish names for nationalities is a good vocabulary building exercise. Prolonged contact with Hispanic culture, which dates back to the conquest, has had a homogenizing effect, reducing the variation among the indigenous Sierra tribes.The Indians of the Sierra are separated from whites and mestizos by a castelike gulf.