The parent fish most often eats them. The eggs have a sticky part which eventually becomes the head of the fry; this allows the parents to move eggs or fry when a threat is perceived and put them in a specific place. If you notice the fish from the upper surface of the tank, you’ll notice that the belly is bulging out. They’re first-time parents. The others, if they stay amber, are fertile. I believe the fertilized eggs will turn brownish and the infertile eggs turn white, from what it looks like most of those eggs look fertilized to me and there seems to be a …

Large belly. Angelfish may not get parenting right on their first try. But after two or three tries, the parents would make it and produce little angelfish that you’ll adore for sure.My name is Nadine; I am a passionate writer and a pet lover. To identify the signs that your angelfish is producing eggs, you have to The most obvious sign that your angelfish might be “pregnant” is the large belly. But do you know what are the signs that your angelfish is pregnant? First time spawners don't always get it right and may eat the eggs the first few times they spawn. Infertile eggs remain white and grow fungus usually. You should provide a good environment for your breeding fish so that they produce healthy baby angelfish.So your angelfish might produce eggs but they might not be fertilized. The most obvious sign that your angelfish might be “pregnant” is the large belly. I had a comet (female) and a shubunkin (male) in a tank together, and the comet laid eggs sometime last night (probably about 20 hours ago). After two or three tries, they become caring parents and make sure that their babies remain safe.So, the fertilization process isn’t easy but not impossible. But don’t be disappointed. The parents can eat eggs! Want to know when your angelfish is pregnant?Let’s look deeper into the signs that your female angelfish is about to produce eggs:Like betta, pufferfish, and many others, angelfish also produces eggs rather than giving birth to young ones. Just don't want them touching fertile eggs. Large belly might also indicate constipation in fish. 3. It’s a hit and trial. People usually call me by the nickname “Joy” because they think that I am … is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We do not provide veterinary suggestion. This is the breeding tube that comes out as the fish has to produce eggs. I also wondered how to know when I’ll be going to have angelfish babies until I observed very closely and asked a few experts. Eggs that haven’t been fertilized will develop a white fungus on them. Good morning everybody I woke up this morning to find angel fish eggs in my tank and I'd like to know if they're fertilized cuz they are being very protective of the eggs and if so when and how do I move them to another tank so they don't get Staten by other tank mates. They can even eat the eggs once they are fertilized.