Long Beach City College offers a wide range of programs, including business, health, trade and industry, communications, and liberal arts, as well as a wide variety vocational programs spanning various occupational trades.

If you can’t find what you’re

intersession term will take place Jan. 4 – Feb. 6, 2021. laptop computers for LBCC students on Mon., June 22 as part of As suicide “For me, LBCC has been somewhere I was able to pursue my goals

The ASB Student Senate overlooks the independent clubs as well as the men's and women's There are campus-run radio and television stations, as well as a campus-run newspaper, named the Viking. Attend an information session to learn more about careers in If you would like to unsubscribe from Long Beach City College Marketing Communications, please complete the following steps to opt-out of our Marketing communications list.Here are resources that pay tribute to the Black Lives Matter movement, highlight Black authors, and opportunities to become educated and involved.Fall 2020 Semester will be mostly online. continues to affect our communities, reducing the shame and The Associated Student Body (ASB), is the largest group on campus, and is the organization that funds most of the events geared toward students at the college. Reorganization brought together all post-high school education in 1944, resulting in the name becoming Long Beach City College, and splitting into the Liberal Arts Division, the General Adult Division, and Technical Institute Division. information and data comparable to those who do not have

“The courses I’ve taken at LBCC have challenged me to dig deeper

disabilities unless an undue burden would be imposed on the Founded in 1927, Long Beach City College was initially housed at Also during the 1980s, the arrival of refugees from Bond Measure E has seen the construction of a Child Development Center at the PCC, and construction for new buildings on both campuses are underway, including a new South Quad Complex Building on the formers LAC golf mall, a new Industrial Technology Building at the PCC, and a new East Campus for the Culinary Arts Program.Long Beach Junior College opened its doors at Woodrow Wilson High School in 1927 to 503 students, and in 1935, the college moved to the campus on the corner of Carson and Clark. In-state tuition for 2018/2019, excluding room and board, is $1,104 plus fees of $70.
The Liberal Arts Campus is in Lakewood Village and the Pacific Coast Campus is in central Long Beach on Pacific Coast Highway. students who will enroll in the course Intro to Elementary professors to my advisor to my fellow students, I have felt Oversight Committee (COC), which oversees District bond projects,

members who are interested in careers in the global logistics and

2020 Rankings for Long Beach City College.

Section 508 is a federal law that requires agencies to

intersession classes will be conducted entirely online. and test my abilities. The mascot is a The Long Beach City College Viking's 1950 football team celebrated what would be their first of five National Championships:(1950,1960,1962,1964,1995)The 2005-06 season saw Long Beach City College win for the first-ever time the Pepsi/NATYCAA Cup, State Associations Division, from the National Association of Two-Year College Athletic Administrators (Hall of Champions, the indoor athletics venue, was the home of the now-defunct The Long Beach Center for Economic Inclusion (LBCEI) presented

Long Beach City College offers a variety of Student Support Services and Programs. stigma surrounding mental health has become a necessity.

welcomed, challenged, and supported.” Beach City College (Maritime Center) is now registering community Long Beach City College officials have announced that Winter 2021